Banggai Cardinalfish are found from East Africa and the Red Sea to Samoa and the Islands of Micronesia. These members of the Apogonidae family are the only species in the Pterapogon genus.. The Banggai Cardinalfish has a shimmery, silver body with bold, black stripes along the body and long, elegant fins. They have white spots accenting these long fins. They also have random patterns of these spots on their bodies. These fish grow up to 3 inches long and require an aquarium of at least 30 gallons.
Banggai Cardinalfish are carnivores. They feed primarily on copepods, but will also eat frozen brine shrimp, Mysis shrimp, pellets, and flake foods.
As stated earlier, this fish can reach up to 3 inches and requires an aquarium of at least 30 gallons. The Banggai Cardinalfish can be a bit shy at first, so it will appreciate any crevices and caves in your rockwork to hide in. As they get comfortable, they will swim out in the open. Banggai Cardinalfish are generally peaceful and may be kept with other peaceful fish. Groups of Banggai Cardinalfish can be kept in relative peace in larger systems with plenty of swimming and rockwork for hiding spaces. Usually, the only aggression that will happen will occur during mating, breeding, or when they are guarding eggs. The male of this species will keep the eggs in his mouth for safekeeping, this is called "mouth brooding." If you intend to keep fish, a netted lid is recommended.