Knopia octocontacanlis is a member of the Alcyonacea Order and the only species in the Knopia genus at this time. They are sometimes referred to as “Daisy polyps,” “Jasmine polyps,” or “Starburst polyps.” Each polyp of this soft coral has 8 tentacles. Before 2007, they were considered to be a species of Clavularia, but were reclassified. The main difference being that Daisy polyps do not have the feathered pinnules on their tentacles like most Clavularia. Daisy polyps are found in several colors such as green, purple, yellow, white, brown, pink, or cream with centers that can also be a contrasting color to the tentacles. 

Daisy polyps are relatively easy to maintain. Moderately strong water flow is preferred. This assists in removing detritus and other buildup at the base of the coral. Daisy polyps can thrive in a pretty wide range of lighting as they can adapt over time to higher and lower light. We recommend around 100-150 PAR.

Through their symbiotic relationship with a photosynthetic algae, known as zooxanthellae, they receive many of their nutrients. They also filter-feed on the nutrients in the water column. To maintain good health, calcium, strontium, and other trace elements should be monitored and added as needed.  

When introducing Daisy polyps to your reef, please take into consideration that while not aggressive, these corals can spread and outcompete passive corals for space or get themselves damaged by aggressive corals. Place your Daisy polyps in an area where they can grow and thrive.

AlcyonaceaCoralCoral care guideDaisy polypsJasmine polypsKnopiaReefReefchaserSoft coral

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