Alveopora are large polyp stony (LPS) corals that have numerous daisy-like polyps that extend outward from the base, each tipped with 12 tentacles which surround a mouth. They appear similar to Goniopora Corals, but Goniopora have 24 tentacles surrounding their mouths. Alveopora are known to be a bit more forgiving than Goniopora in the reef keeping hobby. They are found  in a variety of colors including pinks, greens, creams, tans, and grays. Alveopora corals belong to the Acroporidae family.

Alveopora can thrive in a wide range of lighting, depending on species. High lighting is not recommended. We recommend 100-150 PAR.  Alveopora corals prefer moderate water movement so their polyps can move freely. However, it should not be directed right at the polyps or the movement might be too vigorous and could damage the flesh of the coral. One of my favorite things about Alveopora is the beautiful movement they can add to your reef tank with their billowing polyps.

Through their symbiotic relationship with a photosynthetic algae, known as zooxanthellae, they receive many of their nutrients. They also filter-feed on the nutrients in the water column. It is a good idea to provide them with additional foods like microplankton or other foods designed for filter-feeding invertebrates. There must be adequate amounts of calcium and iron in the tank to help their skeletal development. Make sure to monitor your water levels.

Placement of your Alveopora coral in your reef tank is important. When placing Alveopora they must have enough room to grow and move their tentacles. Alveopora can be aggressive and will sting other corals with their sweeper tentacles.


AcroporidaeAlveoporaCoralCoral care guideLpsReefReefchaser

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