Scientific Name:
Siganus vulpinus
Other Common Names for the Foxface Rabbitfish:
Foxface Lo - Common Foxface - Black-face Rabbitfish


Naturally found in tropical ocean waters of the Western Pacific, specifically off the Ryukyu Islands, Taiwan, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Northern and Western Australia, and the Philippines, the Foxface Rabbitfish is a popular specimen for hobbyists with large tanks. Like all members of the Siganus genus, Foxface Rabbitfish is so named due to the rabbit nose-like appearance of its mouth. The Foxface Rabbitfish has a bright yellow body with a white head and anterior. There is a black band that runs from their mouth, through the eye, and to the origin of the dorsal fin. They have a black area on the breast that tapers up just above the base of the pectoral fin. They also have large, beautiful eyes like a fox.


Foxface Rabbitfish are primarily herbivores. They need rocks to graze on and offerings of marine algae and Nori. They also will accept flake foods and pellet foods. A good variety of foods will keep your Foxface Rabbitfish healthy and brightly colored. A well-fed Foxface Rabbitfish will not likely eat your corals, but there is always a possibility if they get hungry enough.  Therefore, we say they are reef safe with caution.


The Foxface Rabbitfish can reach up to 9 inches and requires an aquarium of at least 100 gallons with live rock and plenty of room to swim. If your Foxface Rabbitfish becomes startled or is ready to sleep, it will go to a space it feels safe, camouflage itself by changing the color of its body in a mottled mix of lighter and darker shades, and extend its dorsal spines. During the day, they generally swim all over the tank, from mid range to the bottom, picking at algae much like a Tang. They’re a very peaceful fish in a reef tank. However, The Foxface Rabbitfish is generally aggressive to members of the same species. For this reason, only 1 Foxface should be kept in your tank. The sheer size and temperament of a Foxface Rabbitfish compared to most marine fish makes them a good peacekeeper in a mixed reef. They will try to defend themselves against any potential threat by raising and expanding their 13, tall dorsal spines, filled with venom, and turn those spines toward the threat. They aren’t especially fast swimmers and will usually hide from anything entering the water, so be aware of where your Foxface is before you stick your hands in the tank.  It’s recommended that you wear gloves when doing tank maintenance or trying to remove a Foxface. Seek medical attention if you are poked with the venomous spines as a secondary infection could possibly develop. If you intend to keep fish, a netted lid is recommended. 



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