Symphyllia is a genus of corals that belong to the Mussidae family. Symphyllia are large polyp stony (LPS) Brain corals that are similar to Lobophyllia, but their corallite series are directly united by the walls to their summits. Symphyllia corals appear in a variety of colors and patterns. 

Symphyllia corals require low to moderate lighting. We recommend starting with lower light and moving to more moderate lighting slowly. Bear in mind that most corals can be gradually adapted to lighting conditions outside of their normal preferences. Symphyllia corals also need moderate water movement.

Through their symbiotic relationship with a photosynthetic algae, known as zooxanthellae, they receive many of their nutrients. Symphyllia corals benefit from targeted feeding of meaty foods like Mysis shrimp or brine shrimp. To maintain good health, calcium, strontium, and other trace elements should be monitored and added as needed.

When placing your Symphyllia coral, please remember that these corals are known to be a little aggressive. They have long sweeper tentacles that can extend to sting other corals that get too close. Be sure to provide enough personal space for your Symphyllia coral to grow and thrive.

Brain coralCoralCoral care guideLpsMussidaeReefReefchaserSymphyllia

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