LIGHT: MODERATE (150 par) is what we find best. You can learn more about Lighting and it's overall impact on your reef tank in our article Lighting and your Reef Tank
FOOD: We haven't noticed that any specific feeding strategy is required for Stylocoeniella corals. Like most corals they capture nutrients from the water and will do best when supplied a healthy amount of food. Our method is high import, high export. You can learn more about Feeding and Filtration in our article Feeding, Filtration and your Reef Tank.
FLOW: MODERATE. Stylocoeniella corals benefit from moderate to high flow. Their polyps arent overly sentisitive to water movement but if too much flow is being provided then Stylocoeniella may not extend their polyps. Too much flow, especially direct flow, can cause damage to the coral's tissue or an inability to capture food. You can read more about Flow and its overall impact on your reef tank in our article Flow and your Reef Tank
DIFFICULTY: BEGINNER. Stylocoeniella Corals are readily available in aquaculture which means many hobbyists have found long term success. Stylocoeniella can grow very quickly in ideal conditions and are not as susceptible to coral diseases like STN, RNT, and the like. This is one of the most 'beginner' of the SPS corals and we recommend people who are looking to get into SPS start with corals like these. Like with all corals, specimens have been seen to do well in captivity when the right combination of Food/Light/Flow and Filtration are achieved.
PRICE: LOW-MODERATE. Depending on the piece Stylocoeniella corals can range in price. Stylocoeniella are fast growing and more easily aquacultured while also not being the most in-demand coral in the hobby. These factors contribute to a low-moderate price availability. Like with all corals, price will vary based on size and coloration of specimen.
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Stylocoeniella
AGGRESSION: PEACEFUL. We haven't noticed much aggressions out of this type of coral however we still recommend allowing some space for growth and health. We recommend providing at least 1-2" space.
NATURAL TEMPERATURE: 82 °F / 28 °C although most corals can adapt and survive in temps as low as 77 degrees and as high as 84 degrees. You can read more about temperature and how it affects your reef tank in our article Temperature and your Reef Tank.
PH: Recommend 8.0-8.4, we tend to run around 8.2-8.3 over 24 hours. You can read more about pH in our article pH and your Reef Tank
NITRATE: 5-10, try to keep stable. You can read more about nitrate and our approach to maintaining it in our article Nutrients and your Reef Tank
PHOSPHATE: 0.05-0.1, try to keep stable. You can read more about Phosphate and our approach to maintaining it in our article Nutrients and your Reef Tank
ALKALINITY: Recommend 8-9 dKh. You can read more about how we maintain our alkalinity in our article Alkalinity, Calcium and your Reef Tank
CALCIUM: Recommend 400-450. You can read more about how we maintain our calcium in our article Alkalinity, Calcium and your Reef Tank
More About Stylocoeniella Corals
Stylocoeniella corals, most commonly known as “Thorn corals,” are small polyps stony (SPS) corals in the Astrocoeniidae family. Stylocoeniella corals grow by encrusting and come in a dazzling array of colors. Some of the most common shades are green, red, and orange.

Stylocoeniella corals require moderate lighting. We recommend 100-200 PAR. Bear in mind that most corals can be gradually adapted to lighting conditions outside of their normal preferences. Thorn corals also prefer moderately strong water flow in which the flow path is alternating.

Through their symbiotic relationship with a photosynthetic algae, known as zooxanthellae, they receive many of their nutrients. Thorn corals may benefit from targeted feeding with rotifers and vitamins. To maintain good health, calcium, strontium, and other trace elements should be monitored and added as needed.

When placing your Stylocoeniella coral, please remember that these corals aren't aggressive and have no real defense against other corals. Be sure to provide enough personal space for your Thorn corals to grow and thrive.