Psammocora are small polyp stony (SPS) corals in the Psammocoridae family. There are approximately 8 species of Psammocora known at this time. In general, corals coming from the genus Psammocora are known to initially grow in an encrusting form. After they have encrusted much of the surface they are growing on, they will start to grow branches that are usually thick and spread throughout their entire colony. When their polyps are retracted, they can easily be identified through their grainy appearance that looks like sandpaper. Thus, their nickname is “Sandpaper corals.”

Psammocora corals require moderate lighting.  We recommend around 200-250 PAR. Bear in mind that most corals can be gradually adapted to lighting conditions outside of their normal preferences. Psammocora corals also prefer strong water flow. Through their symbiotic relationship with a photosynthetic algae, known as zooxanthellae, they receive many of their nutrients. To maintain good health, calcium, strontium, and other trace elements should be monitored and added as needed.

When placing your Psammocora, please remember that these corals are peaceful and have poor defenses against other corals. Be sure to provide enough personal space for your Psammocora corals to grow and thrive.

CoralCoral care guidePsammocoraPsammocoridaeReefReefchaserSps

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